Sandwatch activities started in: 2001
Coordination of Sandwatch in Barbados:
Sandwatch in Barbados was first championed by by Randolph Woodruffe of the Coleridge and Parry Secondary School. A Sandwatch Fair was held in 2007 and a Sandwatch Youth and Climate Change Workshop were held in 2008 with support from Counterpart Caribbean at the Futures Centre. Codrington School have also been involved more recently.
Status of Sandwatch in Barbados: Unknown
Activities and Highlights: Updates in progress
Sept 2011, Barbados environmental club starts Sandwatch: The Sandwatch/Greenlanders Environmental Club was re-launched at the Lester Vaughan School in Cane Garden, St. Thomas, Barbados thanks to collaboration with a local environmental NGO, Future Centre Trust, who was then known as Counterpart Caribbean. The club started under the direction of Ms Evadne Johnson, a Science teacher at the school and the club’s coordinator. - Click here to learn more!