The Sandwatch Online Database Project - Proyecto del Mar Caribe “Observando la Arena”
During the week of May 18th-22nd, 2015 a Sandwatch workshop was held at the BelleVue Hotel in Boca Chica, near Santo Domingo the capital of the Dominican Republic. The workshop was sponsored and supported by the UNESCO Paris office, the Dominican Republic’s National Commission for UNESCO and The Sandwatch Foundation.
The purpose of the workshop was to train fifteen (15) educators from schools located in several Provinces along the southern coast of the country in the methodolgy and practical utilitization of the Sandwatch Online Database. In addition, presentations on Sandwatch in general and the database project in particualr were also made to several local and national environmental NGO’s to encourage partnership and the sharing of coastal environmental information. These groups included the Foundactio Ozama (Wetland Protection Project), Grupo Punta Cana, Sur Futuro, Vid Azul and the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales.
The workshop was facilitated by Mr. David Grey (Halifax, Nova Scotia) of the Sandwatch Foundation and creator of the online database; Mr. Paul Diamond (Toronto, Ontario) Co-Director of the Sandwatch Foundation and Ms. Khalissa Ikhlef (Paris, France) Program Specialist, Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems at UNESCO HQ, Paris.
During the week of May 18th-22nd, 2015 a Sandwatch workshop was held at the BelleVue Hotel in Boca Chica, near Santo Domingo the capital of the Dominican Republic. The workshop was sponsored and supported by the UNESCO Paris office, the Dominican Republic’s National Commission for UNESCO and The Sandwatch Foundation.
The purpose of the workshop was to train fifteen (15) educators from schools located in several Provinces along the southern coast of the country in the methodolgy and practical utilitization of the Sandwatch Online Database. In addition, presentations on Sandwatch in general and the database project in particualr were also made to several local and national environmental NGO’s to encourage partnership and the sharing of coastal environmental information. These groups included the Foundactio Ozama (Wetland Protection Project), Grupo Punta Cana, Sur Futuro, Vid Azul and the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales.
The workshop was facilitated by Mr. David Grey (Halifax, Nova Scotia) of the Sandwatch Foundation and creator of the online database; Mr. Paul Diamond (Toronto, Ontario) Co-Director of the Sandwatch Foundation and Ms. Khalissa Ikhlef (Paris, France) Program Specialist, Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems at UNESCO HQ, Paris.